35 mph = 51.33 feet per second.
Time = Distance/Speed
If you drove 35 mph for 2 hours, you would drive 70 miles. 35 X 2 = 70.
At 35 mph you will travel about 154 feet in three seconds.
mph means Miles Per Hour, so 21 miles takes 21/60=.35 hour. Then .35 hour is equal to .35*60=21 minutes. So the final answer is 21 minutes
At altitude a Mig35 can achieve Mach 2.25 -2,400 km/h, 1,491 mph.
Twice the speed of sound. That's the definition of mach number.Mach number is a more useful measurement of speed than miles per hour in some ways (especially if you're designing an airplane), but not so good for answering questions like "So when are we getting to Denver?" since the speed of sound varies depending on the density of the air.the actual speed of mach 2 is 2472 km/h which is twice mach 1 (1236km/h) at this speed the airplane is roughly 2 meters shorter. planes that can travel this fast are;e111-a ravenmig 25 foxbatf22- raptorf22- strike raptoryf 12a blackbirdconcordef 35 c
35 kph is 21.75 mph.35 kph = 21.75 mph
35 mph would be about average.
35 mph = 56.3 kmph
35 knots is 40.2773 mph
35 kilometers per hour is approximately 21.75 miles per hour.
about 35 mph
It would take about 1.71 minutes at that pace. However, no human can swim 35 mph!
About 35 miles.
I would say about 35 to 40 mph.
35-40 mph.