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Six because 2 --4 = 6

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Q: What would a positive 2 minus a negative 4 equal?
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What would a negative number minus a positive number equal positive or negative?

Negative. Example: (-1) - (+1) = -2

Why does a negative plus equal a negative but a negative time a negative equal a positive?

Addition and multiplication are two different operators so it is no surprise that their outputs are different. Otherwise there would be no point in having different operators.For example, a negative minus a negative can be positive, negative or zero!

Does a positive number minus a negative number equal a positive number or a negative number?

Positive. A negative number added to a positive would reduce the original to a smaller positive, to zero, or to a negative depending on their relative values but subtracting a negative number from a positive number will always increase the value of the positive.

Does a negative plus a negative equal a negative?

Negative plus Negative would equal positive in Maths. like this: -7 + -8 = 1 Because you're adding a minus It Will Not Equal a Positive it will Equal a Negative. -7+-8= -15. Because you are adding a negative to another negative. If the problem was -7+8= 1. Because you are taking seven out of that eight. If It were to be multiplication than a negative TIMES a negative would have been a positive(-8 x -7=56). And a negative TIMES a positive would be a negative (-8 x 7=-56).

What is positive 6 minus negative 2?

Minus a negative means you can plus a positive so therefore the answer would be positive 8.

Is a positive plus a negative a negative?

well it depends if the negative is bigger than the positive or viseversa. lets say you have -5+7 it would equal 2. if it was -7+5 it would equal -2. In short, a positive number plus a negative number is the same thing as a positive number minus another positive number. Example: 3 + (-2) = 1 3 - 2 = 1

What does negative nine minus eighteen equal?

That would be negative 27.

What is a negative minus a negative?

A negative minus a negative turns the latter into a plus positive,for example -6 minus -3 would be :-6 ++ 3 = -3A minus negative always turns into a plus positive...To get more Specific:Suppose x and y are two POSITIVE numbers so that -x and -y are negative. Then a negative minus a negative = (-x) - (-y) = -x +yIf x > y the answer is negativeIf x = y the answer is zeroIf x < y the answer is positive

What is positive 10 minus negative 6?

It is: 10--6 = 16 because --6 is +6

Is a negative a positive is what?

A Negative plus a positive = a negative because negative and a positive cannot work together Negative + Negative= Positive Positive + Positive = Positive when your dealing with numbers such as : -2 + 2 would equal a negative 4 -2 +-2 would equal a positive 4

Does an negative equal an positive?

No. If they were then there would be no point in having a negative.

If a negative is divided by a positive what does it equal?

If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.