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Q: What would be a real-world example of how permutations and combinations could be used?
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How many 5 number combinations can be made from 96667?

You would use combinations instead of permutations so just type in your calculator 96667C5 and you should get 70333953523652148234618 Or, you could use the formula... r=number chosen n=number to chose from n!/((n-r)!(r!)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the question was meant to ask - How many 5 number combinations (actually, permutations) can be made from (the digits) 9,6,6,6,7 ? - The answer would be: 2(5C2) = 2[5!/(3!2!)] = 20 i.e., 96676, 96766, 97666, ...

When you roll four dice how many different number combinations could you roll that will total 14?

There are 8 different combinations.There are 145 permutations that total 14.Not asked, but answered for completeness sake; there are 1296 possible permutations of four dice, making the probability of a sum of 14 being 145 in 1296 or about 0.1119.

How many permutations with Rubik's cube?

43,252,003,274,489,856,000. only one of these, of course, is the solved one. and interestingly, you can get from any of these over 43 quintillion permutations to any other in 20 turns or less, so theoretically, the rubiks cube could always be solved in 20 moves or less. However, this has not been achieved by a human.

How are permutations useful in real life?

They could help you solve a Rubik's Cube.

Why was the venn diagram invented?

So that you could visualize the various permutations in boolean algebra.

2 dice each dice has 6 numbers how many combinations could there be?

There are 21 combinations.

How big of a lot would be 0.43 of an acre?

Yours could be any number of combinations. A 100' x 200' lot would be .459 acres for example.

If using numbers 0 through 9 how many different 6 digit combinations can be made?

They would be 000000 through 999999, and there would be 1 million possibilities, assuming you could use the digits multiple times. If you could only use the digits one time, and the order of the digits chosen matters, then that would be the number of permutations of 10 things taken 6 at a time, which is: 10! -------- = 151200 possibilities. (10-6)! If you are truly counting "combinations" where the order does not matter, (e.g. 123456 is considered the same as 531642), then this is the number of combinations of 10 things taken 6 at a time, which is: 10! --------------- = 210 possibilities. (10-6)! 6!

Why is there so many combinations of traits in an offspring?

There are so many combinations of traits in offspring because organisms are so complex. Even if somebody has brown eyes, for example, they might have a recessive gene for blue eyes, which they could pass to one or all of their children.

How many combinations can you make out of 3 letters and 3 numbers?

You could make 10*10*10*26*26*26 combinations, or 17576000 combinations.

What minus what equals 81?

There are several combinations that could equal 81 when subtracted. For example, 100 - 19 = 81, or 90 - 9 = 81.

Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers?

Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers ?