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The length and width would be equal to

22^2 = length^2 + width^2

444 = length^2 + width^2

Assuming the screen is a square, then

444 = 2length^2

222 = length^2

root(222) = length = width

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Q: What would be the length and width of a tv screen with a diagonal of 22?
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The best way to do this would be to use the Pythagorean Theorem, but in reverse. So let's say the diagonal is 10, and the width is 8. You would do (10^2) / (8^2). This equals 36. The square root of 36 is 6. So your answer would be 6 for the length. Hope this answer helps!

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You would usually measure the length and width of the rectangle, then calculate other magnitudes based on that. However, it's possible that you already know some other data about the rectangle. Here are some formulae that relate the different dimensions of a rectangle: area = length x width perimeter = 2 x (length + width) diagonal = square root of (length^2 + width^2) In any case, you need to know SOME of these measurements, to be able to calculate the others.

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