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The 16 basketballs represent 100% of the basketballs in the question.

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Q: What would be the percentage of 16 total basketballs and 4 of them are orange?
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If you missed 4 questions out of 50, your total would be 46/50. Therefore, your percentage would be 92%.

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How do i calculate percent profit?

The answer will depend on profits as a percentage of what! As a percentage of revenue, it would be 100*(Total Revenue - Total Costs)/Total Revenue In example (as given in discussion page) Total Revenue = 236,000 Total Costs = 173,000 Total Profit = Total Revenue - Total Costs = 63,000 So percentage profit = 100*63,000/236,000 = 26.7% (approx).

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You would divide the total number that have joined (11) by the total number of vistiors (222) 11/222= That result would give you the percentage.

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principal*(1+rate) raised to the power of number of periods

How do you count percentage?

part / total For example, if you have 20 (total) apples, and eat 5 (part) apples, then you would divide 5 (part) / 20 (total) and you would get 25% of the total amount were eaten

How do you get the mean percentage?

eg 5 10 15, the mean would be 10 and if we want the mean percentage its the percentage of the total so 10/20x100/1, which is 50%