If the tracks are not parallel, the wheels will not stay on the tracks; train wheels are spaced at a fixed width, or gauge, and that width cannot expand or contract to accommodate non-parallel tracks. Thus, if the tracks were non-parallel, the wheel would come off the track and cause a derailment.
Railway tracks electrical lines
Railway tracks, the opposite edges of a rule.
parallel?? Parallel is usually used to talk about lines or similar it means they are equal distance apart. For example railway tracks are parallel.
If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.
Real life example of parallel lines are railroad tracks and rows in a garden. Also the lines on a basketball court are parallel
Railway tracks electrical lines
The lines are said to be parallel - one example is railway tracks.
Railway tracks, the opposite edges of a rule.
parallel?? Parallel is usually used to talk about lines or similar it means they are equal distance apart. For example railway tracks are parallel.
I assume you mean that the parallel railway tracks meet.The point where Parallel lines meet is called infinity.BUTIn your example of of railway tracks the apparent meeting is caused by perspective and the point is called the vanishing point.
If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.
No. Railway tracks are only the rails and ties/sleepers and hardware used to hold the track in place. A railway line is a set of tracks designed to move a train between at least 2 points. A railway line can consist of many tracks.
Parallel lines are straight lines which are oriented the same way. For example, two railway lines are parallel to each other.
railway tracks, an equals sign ( = ) or the ribs on a central heating radiator. A single line can't be parallel, unless there's another line present. The edges of the question box across from each other. | | | | Yes, the two letters 'el' in the word 'parallel'. Also, a pair of railroad tracks. Parallel lines never travel alone. It is very likely to have the thing you are looking at (the screen) having as least 2 parallel lines.
Railroad tracks, the edges of a book, and the lines on a ruled notebook paper are real-world examples of parallel lines.
Real life example of parallel lines are railroad tracks and rows in a garden. Also the lines on a basketball court are parallel
Railway lines are parallel