27CM 0.885826773 FT.
They are both of equal values because 27cm = 27.00cm
The perimeter would be 8 + 9 + 10 = 27cm
It is: 26 times 27 = 702 square cm
24 cm is.
it would be about 27cm
27CM 0.885826773 FT.
27cm is equal to 270 millimeters or approximately 10.63 inches.
I just took an ultra sound the report stated my liver was enlarge it is 27cm. I am obese is 27cm considered dangerous to my health
27cm/100cm = 27/100 or 0.27
They are both of equal values because 27cm = 27.00cm
Circumference = 27 cm So radius, r = 27/Pi = 4.297183 cm Then surface area = 4*Pi*r2 = 232.05 cm2
The perimeter would be 8 + 9 + 10 = 27cm
about 27cm.
There is insufficient information to answer this. 27 centimeters by what?
2,290 square cm