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Q: What would be the time if it was 935 and 1 hour and 20 minutes had past?
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What time is seven minutes to the hour?

53 minutes past the previous hour.

How many minutes have passed in a quarter past the hour?


What mean by half past in time?

30 minutes past the hour.

If it is 137 what time would it be in 47 minutes?

1:37 is 37 minutes past 1 o'clock. Adding a further 47 minutes would bring the time to 2: 24 which is 24 minutes past 2 o'clock. Note: there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.

How many minutes past the hour is it?

54 In eastern time <-) (That's what they said) Its 60 minutes.

What is 7.15 in time?

quarter past seven 60 minutes = 1 hour 60 x 1/4 = 15 minutes = quarter hour

What does a quarter til means in time?

It means a quarter of an hour before the next hour. You may also hear a quarter after (15 minutes after the hour) and half past the hour (30 minutes after the hour).

What is 00.05 in 24 hour time?

Five minutes past midnight

What time is half past 5?

5:30. When referring to time, "half past" means 30 minutes into the hour. For example, half past 3 is 3:30.

What does half past three mean?

that it is 7:30. Crazy person

When telling time in spanish what do you do if it is past 30 minutes after the hour?

In that case, it is common to add "... y media" (meaning, "and half", in other words, half an hour) after the hour. For example, 2:30 would be expressed as "dos y media".

What is the fraction for one hour?

Hourly fractions are minutes (1/60th), and seconds (1/3600th). Also, common time references are quarters (quarter of, quarter to, or quarter past the hour) and halves (half past the hour).