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Q: What would cause a scar to reopen after 14 years?
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Will a scar reopen?

uhm im not sure if the scar will reopen...........but i totally tried it and it worked!!!! :)

Can you have a healthy baby after a miscarriage and two abortions?

Yes you can. The concern would be what caused your miscarraige and is it likely to cause one again and scar tissue in your uterus from previous abortion. Scar tissue can cause the placenta from attaching correctly.

How do you remove a scqab from a sore?

Leaving it to fall off by itself will lead to a smaller scar. picking it off will effectively reopen the wound, with a new chance for infection and all that.

What is noncontractile scar tissue?

From what i understand it is scar tissue within the heart that will limit how well your heart can contract to pump out blood. Unlike your heart muscle tissue, the scar tissue will not contract.A heart attack would be the most likely cause for these scars.

Do you get a scar after your belly button is pierced for 5 years?

Yes but it would only be the size of the pierced hole.

Can a scar from surgery reopen from too much water pressure from deep diving?

Yes,it is possible, If you dive, let your Doc know before surgery , and get the all clear to dive afterwards.

Can white scar removed from the lips?

A white scar cannot be completely removed from the lips. This is because the surgery that would be used would also leave a scar.

Does fall rhyme with scar?

No, it does not.Some words that would rhyme with scar are:barcarfarscoregarjararemar

Have tingling in your shin area dr said you have some scar tissue is that the cause?

i have tingling in my shin on my leg area mt dr. said it could be from scar tissue could this be the cause

How did frank ribery get a scar on his face?

frank ribery got his scar in a car accident when he was 2 years old

Can a doctor tell how old a scar is?

A doctor could not tell exactly how old a scar is, but he or she would be able to tell if it is a recent scar or an older scar. They may be able to tell approximately how old the scar is through testing.

Can you melt away scar tissue?

No, that will just cause further scaring.