no because that is stupid and decimals are for numbers
Decimals are not edible.
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
ther would be no ran and that means nothing would live on earth
People would be unable to accurately compute the circumference of a circle.
no because that is stupid and decimals are for numbers
Decimals are not edible.
It is possible if they have been bad, but it is a time of family and it would only happen if they were very badly behaved.
how would aquatic plants be affected when ther are reverse
I think you mean 77/100. That would be .77 in decimals.
Wildfires can happen anywhere at any time
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
Without decimals there would be no difference between dollars and cents.
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
0.1 would be 10% 0.2 would be 20% 0.34 would be 34% etc. percentage is out of 100, decimals are a part of 1.