Give some important of studying mathematics in everyday life?
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
Knowing how to convert a fraction to a decimal is important because it allows for easier comparison and calculation. Decimals are the standard format used in most mathematical operations, so converting fractions to decimals allows for more accurate calculations and easier understanding of numerical relationships. Additionally, decimals are often used in real-life applications, such as money and measurements, so being able to convert fractions to decimals is practical and useful in everyday life.
Give some important of studying mathematics in everyday life?
Literature is important in everyday so you can learn and grow mentally.
When you are shopping or rounding decimals to the nearest price!
Knowing how to convert a fraction to a decimal is important because it allows for easier comparison and calculation. Decimals are the standard format used in most mathematical operations, so converting fractions to decimals allows for more accurate calculations and easier understanding of numerical relationships. Additionally, decimals are often used in real-life applications, such as money and measurements, so being able to convert fractions to decimals is practical and useful in everyday life.
it is important because it helps us produce a better life
acids and bases are important!