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Q: What would the graph look like if the function f (x 3) if f (x) x2?
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A linear function is a function whose graph is a straight line.

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The letter of the alphabet of the absolute value function looks like a V. For this reason, it is a popular graph at Villanova University.

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An graph with an undefined region has a gap somewhere, where the function at that point is not valid. Usually there is a disjoint or a disconnect between the lines of the graph.

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if I'm understanding you correctly you are asking what the graph of.. f(x)=6 would look like..which would be a point at (0, 6) and a horizontal line across the graph through that point i hope that helped

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If you're asking for the graph, then the function y=x would look like a diagonal line going towards the upper-right hand corner of the coordinate plane.

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Like a parabola. Not "like": it would be.

What does x 9 look like on a graph?

Do you mean f(x) = x9 ? It would look something like this: ..........................|............. ..........................|............. .........................|.............. ................____/............... .............../........................ ..............|......................... .............|.......................... .............|..........................

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What does an exponential graph and logistic graph of growth look like?

Yuo cannot include a graphical illustration here. Take a look at the Wikipedia, under "exponential function" and "logistic function". Basically, the exponential function increases faster and faster over time. The logistics function initially increases similarly to an exponential function, but then eventually flattens out, tending toward a horizontal asymptote.

What does a polynomial function look like on a graph?

A smooth curve.A smooth curve.A smooth curve.A smooth curve.

Describe what the graph would look like of travel by car from school to home?

The answer depends on whether it is a distance-time graph, speed-time graph or something else.