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From the data 1,2,4,6,9:Mean = 4.4


n = 4

Mode =




nge = 8

Mean is the average: (1 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 9)


5 = 4.4

Median is the middle value: the 3rd

number = 4

Mode is thenumber that is repeated more often: none

1,2,4,6,9 are all repeated once

Range is the difference of the largest value and the smallest value: 9 - 1 = 8

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Q: What would the statistics tell you about each data set 1 2 4 6 9?
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Statistics is used to analyze and describe data sets.

What type of math is used to tell how meaningful a scientific data is?

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What type of math is used to tell how meaningful a scientific data set it?

Statistics/ Statistical Analysis

What is statistics and data?

Statistics are values that give information about a group. For example, 60% of teens in the US graduate high school is a statistic because it gives a number, 60%, to tell information about a group of people, teenagers. (This statistic was made up for an example). Data is the information collected to formulate that statistic. Using the previous example, the data would be the numbers recorded of teens that graduate throughout the US to come up with 60%. Data develops a statistic, and a statistic provides information about a specific topic.

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Statistics are simply a tool to help the experimentalist interpret data in an unbiased manner. When properly employed, statistics will not only tell the scientist how "good" his or her numbers are, but can also lead to improvements in experimental design. However, the most important function of a statistical description of data is to remind the experimentalist not to assume any more about his or her results than the data warrant.

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Does the data support the hypothesis?

You would need to tell us about the data, the hypothesis and so on for us to be able to answer.

What does mean mode and median have in common?

They all describe data set or data sets,hey tell you how far apart they are from each other.

What do outliers indicate?

In statistics, outliers are values outside the norm relative to the rest of collected data. Many times they can skew the results and distort the interpretation of data. They may or may not indicate anything significant; they might just be an anomalous data point that is not significant. It is difficult to tell.

About 6.3 million children in the US have asthma About 4 million of them had an asthma attack last year What do these statistics tell you about the relationship between asthma and asthma?

These statistics tell you that not every child who has asthma has asthma attacks. I know, much simpler than you thought it would be :)

Why is it necessary to learn statistics?

Statistics is an analytical tool that helps people make rational decisions. Almost everyone understands what an average value is, and while that is useful information in making comparisons (as in shopping) it doesn't tell the whole story. To know that two numbers are really different you need to know about the spread in the data and that is one of the key concepts in statistics.

What are the importance of statistics in technology?

There are many. Here is one example. Say we want to know which method is best for keeping citrus fresh. Temp of 35 degrees, applying ascorbic acid, mystery method 3 which is a new and never tested preservative. We look at 100 plates of citrus in each category and rate it for freshness. Statistics will let us generalize this data and tell us how likely it is that our results are valid.