just find a common denominator and add like you regularly would with fractions.
Like fractions have the same denominator, unlike fractions don't.
What would our world be like without fractions? Our language would certainly change! You could never tell a friend to break a cookie in "half" to share with you. You could only tell them to break it into two pieces. A glass containing water could never be described as "half full." How could you describe this glass? There would be no such thing as "half past the hour" with timekeeping. You could never say you are "halfway" there when traveling. Obviously, fractions are truly an important part of our language. They are equally important for mathematics. the reason you need equivalent Fractions is because that it is the only way to add or subtract fractions. You do not need equivalent fractoins when you multiply or divide though
Like fractions have the same denominators (bottom part of fraction), unlike fractions do not.
that they dont looks like them
A world without Buddhism.
The world would suck without skate boarding because without it what would be fun?
the world will be like a body without soul
No. Like fractions have the same denominator.
like the would will be useless
Without money the world would have been dominated by barter trade
it would suck
One word to describe 'What this world would be without rules' would be chaotic.
It would have been like a river without a fish
Bad.. =/