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It depends on what you wanted to do - graph it, solve it, factorise it, etc.

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Q: What would you do if the equation had x squared or x cubed in the polynomial equation?
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How do you write a polynomial?

depending on your number's you plug them in differently.there is no real formula or equation for writing a polynomial.let's say you have the number; 8. & the variable; x(squared).you would get the polynomial: 8x(squared).you're pretty much just placing the number & variable together.hope that helped!(:

What is the factorization of -2x cubed -2x squared plus 12x?

That would be -2 (x-2) x (x+3). Click on the Wolfram|Alpha link for all of your polynomial factorization needs.

What do squared and cubed mean in exponents?

Squared means 2 in exponents and cubed means 3 in exponents. For example, It saids 5 cubed, than it would be 5.3 .

What is the name for a number to the second power?

squared as in square units and to the third power it would be cubed as in cubed units

Is volume squared?

No, volume is cubed. Area is squared, for example, 2cm^2 Volume would be in cubic centimeters, meters, etc.

X squared times x squared?

Since it's x2*x2, you would add the exponents giving you x4

Is y 5 2x a linear equation?

I'm not exactly sure what the equation is supposed to be, but it looks like there are no variables, x or y, that have a power, squared, cubed, etc., so the equation would be linear. As soon as you put a power into the equation it becomes nonlinear.

How would you factor 8x2 - xy - 7y2 The 2 after the x and y are the squares. so its 8x squared - xy - 7y squared.?

You can factor this multivariate polynomial (a polynomial with several variables, here x and y), by looking at it as a univariate polynomial in either x or y. This would give you a simple second order equation of the form ax2+bx+c, which you can solve. This will give you 2 solutions, say x1 and x2, and can then factor your polynomial to a(x-x1)(x-x2). In our case: a=8, b=-y and c=-7y2 and the solutions for this equation are x1=y and x2=-7/8*y and this gives us 8x2 - xy -7y2 = 8(x-y)(x+7/8y) = (x-y)(8x+7y)

A equation which contains a squared variable?

Squared means to the power 2. An wxample would be x2 = 25.

What would go first 2x or 2x squared?

When writing a polynomial, the term with the highest power usually goes first: 2x2+2x The 2x squared goes first.

What is the equation of a circle whose radius is 7 in?

General formula for a circle is X squared + Y squared = radius squared. So the answer would be x squared + y squared = 2.64575131 squared

Whats the answer to 4 squared?

16. The way you do it is multiplying the number by its self. If it was four cubed you would do 4x4x4 or 64