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I would probably try to get a job where I could benefit from being that small.

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Q: What would you do if you were small like inch tall?
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I suggest eating high-protein meals, such as eggs. Also drink milk.

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they are very small up to half an inch long.

How tall is one inch?

One inch is one inch tall.

What style of poem would one inch tall be?

"One Inch Tall" could be considered a narrative poem because it tells a story about what life would be like at that height. It could also be seen as a descriptive poem because it uses vivid detail to paint a picture of the tiny world.

How tall will you be if you are a fourteen year old boy who is six foot 1 inch tall?

About 6'4" would be my guess

Is a square inch bigger than an inch?

A square inch is one inch by one inch. like it is 1 inch tall and 1 inch long. An inch is just a measure of a line. so it is the same size. it is just a square.

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A 14-inch-tall model of a 63-inch-tall statue?

The answer is: 2 : 9