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965 x 0.125 = 120.63

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Q: What would you get if you have 965 feet of wire and selling at .125 a foot?
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When wire is selling at 125 dollars per foot how many feet can you buy for fifty cents?

125x = .5x = 0.0044 thousandths of a foot

When wire is selling at 0125 a foot how many feet can you buy for fifty cents?

It depends on the units used for 0125. Is that meant to be 0.0125 cents per foot or 0.0125 of some other units (Euros, dollars). It is not possible to tell from the question.

What is something 75 feet long?

A 75 foot long wire. A 75 foot tall tree.

How is wire pulled into a conduit of 100 feet?

A 100 foot fish tape and wire lubrication will be needed to make this wire pull.

What is the weight of 3-0 copper wire per foot?

The weight of 3/0 copper wire is approximately 559.5 pounds per 1000 feet. So, the weight of 3/0 copper wire per foot would be approximately 0.5595 pounds.

How long is a wire reaching from the top of 12 foot pole 6 foot from the base of the pole?

12-6 = 6 feet

Wire sells for 0.125 a foot how many feet can you buy for a dollar?

.125 is the same as 1/8 so you could buy 8 feet of wire for a dollar assuming that it is tax free.

How many pounds in 500 feet of copper wire with one foot weighing 5.71 grams?

6.29 pounds

What is the measure of the sine of the angle that the wire makes the horizontal if a wire 20 feet long is fastened to a point 15 feet above the foot of a vertical pole which stands on level ground?

inverse of sin(15/20)

A wire extends from the top of a building to the ground 90 feet away from the building. The wire creates an angle of elevation of 22 and ordm with the ground. How long is the wire Round to the nearest?

Length of line: 90/cos(22) = 97 feet rounded to nearest the foot

How much does pure nickel wire weigh per foot?

Someone would need to know what gauge the wire is to answer that.

What is the weight of 400 mcm copper wire per foot?

500mcm 37 strand copper wire = 1.544lbs/ft.