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Q: What would you see if you stood at 21degrees 24'n and 72degrees 11' east?
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What would you see if you stood at 21o 24'N and 72o11' east?


Is it right earth is rotating east to west on itself while we watch from the north pole?

If you stood on the North Pole, you would be turning anti-clockwise (right to left). If you stood on the Equator, you would be moving towards the East, which is why the Sun rises in the East and goes down in the West.

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Constantinople stood at the crossroads of east and west, north and south. (APEX)

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Constantinople stood at the crossroads of east and west, north and south. (APEX)

As you face east the north pole is on your?

Rpgz answered: on your left. As long as your compass is working and your not at the north pole (execlty on the point). North, East, South and West are all determind by the dirction you are looking and how that compares to the 8 answers. So if you stood facing east then this diagram may be of help: North /\ East > And so it could only be your left and not your right. And so if the answer was 'right' then there would have to be something wrong with the terminology of the quesiton. ID1677134368 answered: When you face east, thw north pole would be on your right.

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Shadows would be cast towards the west if the sun is towards the east. This is because the sun's position in the east would create shadows in the opposite direction, which is towards the west.

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It was 173 145 045 or something people with Asia having the most then Africa the middle east

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The Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Afghanistan actively pitted Communist guerrillas or armies (supported by the Soviets and Chinese - Communist-bloc) against Capitalist/Fascist dictatorships (supported by the US and NATO - Capitalist-bloc). Conversely, the Proxy Wars in the Middle East did not involve Communist guerrillas, but rather the Communist-bloc stood by Arab Socialism and the Capitalist-bloc stood by Israel and convenient other allies.The other major difference is that the Proxy Wars in Southeast Asia and East Asia were, by and large, successful for the Communist-bloc, but the Proxy Wars in the Middle East were, by and large, successful for the Capitalist-bloc.

What direction would be going if you traveled from Oregon to Wyoming?

To travel from Oregon to Wyoming, you would travel east.

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