2012 - 60 = 1952 (the year the person was born)
As of March 6th, 2010 :- If you were 60 you would have been born between March 7th, 1949 & March 6th, 1950.
59 , turning 60 this year.
depending on your birthdate , if you were born in the year of 1996 and lived up to 2056 you most likely be 60 years of age . 2056 - 1996 is equal to 60 therefore you would be 60 years of age
Depends... if the person has had their birthday this year, he/she would be: 60, otherwise, 59.
2012 - 60 = 1952 (the year the person was born)
2010 - 60 = 1950 Assuming they've already had their birthday this year. If not, then 1949.
Calculated from 2010, the year of birth was 1950. (2010 minus 60 equals 1950).
For this year, 2009, you would have had to been born in 1949
Given the current year of 2010, if you have already celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 2010 - 60 = 1950. If you have not celebrated your birthday yet, you would be born in 1949.
2009 - 60 = 1949You were born in 1949.You turned 60 on your birthday in 2009.You'll turn 61 on your birthday in 2010.If your birthday has already taken place in 2010 and you just turned 60,then you were born in 1950.
As of March 6th, 2010 :- If you were 60 you would have been born between March 7th, 1949 & March 6th, 1950.
59 , turning 60 this year.
depending on your birthdate , if you were born in the year of 1996 and lived up to 2056 you most likely be 60 years of age . 2056 - 1996 is equal to 60 therefore you would be 60 years of age
They would have turned 60 in 2012.
30 BC.