A person born in March of 1952 would be 60 years old.NOTE: This question was asked in August of 2012.
There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 60 years is equal to 60 x 12 = 720 months.
12 months = 1 year 60/12 = 5 therefore 60 months = 5 years
Someone 60-69 years old is called a sexagenarian.
Someone 60-69 years old is called a sexagenarian.
They will be 60 years old that year, as it is due again in 2061.
depending on your birthdate , if you were born in the year of 1996 and lived up to 2056 you most likely be 60 years of age . 2056 - 1996 is equal to 60 therefore you would be 60 years of age
If your brother was 1 year old when you were 2 years old, then he is 1 year younger than you. That makes him 59 when you are 60.
60 months old. (5 years x 12 months a year= 60)
People born in 1954 will turn 60 in 2014.
Ric Wakeman was born May 18 in 1949, making him 60 years old this year.
he is 60 years old he was born in 1978
60 years old.
60 years old...