2017 − 1961 = 56 years old on your 2017th birthday.
Assuming the current year of 2010, if someone has already celebrated their birthday this year, they will have been born in 2010 - 56 = 1954. If they have not yet celebrated their birthday, they will have been born in 1953.
If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
You would be 54 if it is the year 2010 at the moment (which it is)
If you turned 56 in 2009 you were born in 1953.
2017 − 1961 = 56 years old on your 2017th birthday.
She was born in 1958 so as of the year 2014 she would be 56 years old.
Assuming the current year of 2010, if someone has already celebrated their birthday this year, they will have been born in 2010 - 56 = 1954. If they have not yet celebrated their birthday, they will have been born in 1953.
56 years old.
If I was born on this date in 1954 I would be 56 years old
You are 56 years old if you were born in 1953.
If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
She is 56 years old (or will be this year.)
56 years old.
Jackie Glass was born on May 2, 1956. She will be 56 years old this year (2012).