As of December 2009, 56 years and 8 months.
If today is 9/18/2009, they are currently 56 years old.
2009 - 56 = 1953
1953 - 2009 = -56
56 years old.
If you turned 56 in 2009 you were born in 1953.
If you take todays date as being 1st of October then if you were born before 1st October 1953 you would be 56 years old and if you were born after 1st October 1953 you would be 55 until your birthday.
As of December 2009, 56 years and 8 months.
If today is 9/18/2009, they are currently 56 years old.
You are 56 years old if you were born in 1953.
2009 - 56 = 1953
If you were born in 1953 you would turn 57 in 2010.
56 years old.
2013 - 1953 = 60
You will be 57