1 day = 0.142857143 weeks 1 month = 0.0833333333 years
day, month and year
There was no day, month or year zero.
There are 12 months in the year. So, 80000 a year equals 80000/12 per month or 6666.67 per month.
There are 12 months in a year. So 55000 per year is the same as 55000 per 12 months. That is 55000/12 per month 4583.33 per month.
The expiration month comes before the expiration day on a credit or debit card.
for the same reason you need to clarify dates such as 12/11/10. Is it day, month, year or month, day, year, or year, month, day or what. If there was no rule for the order of operations, how could you get the correct answer?
Second day of the year that there is exactly 12 hours of daylight is in the month of June and the day 21st.. :)
Febuary 12, 1809
It was the day/month/year I was born and it was a Sunday.
December 12, 1805
1 day = 0.142857143 weeks 1 month = 0.0833333333 years
day, month and year
There are 12 months to choose from There are 7 months with 31 days in them. The probability of choosing a 31-day month is 7/12.
Well, that would be around 14 dollars a day and not many people get that many money every day for a month, especially a 12 year old. So, I guess it is.
Friday, June 12, 2009
JANUARY 1, 2101