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Q: What year do you have to be born to be able to drink?
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What year born to drink alcohol today?

june 11 1991

Should eighteen year olds have the right to drink?

Eighteen year olds are not mature, even though they think they are - the logic part of the brain does not fully develop until you are in your 20s. Therefore, eighteen year olds are not able to drink maturely and responsibly - they drink too much and damage their bodies, and they drink and drive and cause wrecks.

What is the year when she was born?

Tell us who she is and we may be able to answer.

Where are the blue whales babies born?

They are born the sea, as they are mammals they are also born alive and are able to do all the basic functions to survive; drink, swim, breath etc.

If i was in South Africa would I be able to drink water or would I not be able to drink water?

offcourse we can drink water because water is everywhere

What do the french do at new year?

drink drink drink!!

If you were born on leap year when can you legally drink?

People who are born on leap year usually celebrate their birthday on the 28th or 1st. Legal age will be the date closest to the DOB, possibly the 1st.

Why are you not able to drink?

baking soda it is a soda but it cant drink

Should a 3 year old still drink from a sippy cup?

A 3 year old should be able to drink from a regular glass or cup. A sippy cup or a cup with a lid and straw could be used in certain instances where you do not want the liquid to be spilled.

What season are puppies born in?

Puppies are typically born in the spring or summer months. This time of year provides warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours, creating a more favorable environment for the mother and her puppies.