Born June 25 1990 would make you 21 today.
If you were born before today in the calendar year (March 16th) you would be 67 If you were born after today in the calendar year (March 16th) you would still be 66, but you would be turning 67 this calendar year.
As today is the 1st January 2010 and you are 19 years old you were born in the year 1990.
As today is the 2nd January 2010, and you are currently 52 years old you were born in the year 1957.
People drink alcohol as part of their celebration. Alcohol is traditionally associated with celebrations. There's no need to drink though, plenty of people still have fun without having any alcohol!
Billions of people
Yes. As long as it's not alcohol.
I'd say Hundreds because many people drink alcohol and some don't.
i am 11 i drink 5 bottles of wine a day
It is against the law for minors to consume alcoholic beverages.
day before thanksgiving
I say go for it