If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.
If you are 28 in 2010, then 1982. 2010 - 28 = 1982
If the year is 2009 and you're 27 yrs old then the year you were born is 1982.
The year in which Anita Briem was born in was in the year of 1982 since she was born on May 29, 1982.
The animal for Chinese New Year in 1982 was the Dog. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with a different animal sign in a 12-year cycle. People born in the year of the Dog are believed to possess traits such as loyalty, honesty, and kindness.
She was born in 1982
Born November 12, 1982 her Sun sign is Scorpio.
The star sign for June 21 is Gemini (May 22 - June 21). The Chinese star sign for June 21, 1982 was the Year of the Dog.
Type your answer here... Rihanna was not born in the year 1982:L!
Craig Kielburger was born on December 17, 1982.
Keri Hilson was born in December 1982.