A person born in 1986 will turn 27 in 2013. Likewise, in 2014, a person born in 1986 turns 28.So, in 2014, if you were born in 1986 and you have not yet had your birthday this year, then you are 27. If you were born in 1986 and you have already had your birthday this year, then you are 28.
As of 2010 you will be 15 by the end of the year.
49 (as on 27 March 2013).49 (as on 27 March 2013).49 (as on 27 March 2013).49 (as on 27 March 2013).
The current year is 2010 you are 27 2010- 27 = 1983
If the year is 2009 and you're 27 yrs old then the year you were born is 1982.
2010 - 27 = 1983
If you turn 27 in 2013, you were born in 1986. If you turn 27 in 2014, then you were born in 1987.
If the year is 2012 and you're 27 right now, that means you were born in 1985.
She was born in the year of 1988 since she was born March 27, 1988.
Khloe Kardashian was born on June 27, 1984. She recently turned 27.
Fergie was born on March 27, 1975.
He was born on 27 November 1986
Oh, dude, if you're 27 years old, you were born in 1994. Like, you just take the current year and subtract your age, simple math, right? But hey, if you need help with that, I can lend you a calculator.