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Q: What year was Fibonacci created in?
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What year was Fibonacci born?

What Year was Fibonacci born??? 1170

Who was fibanacci?

Fibonacci was an Italian scientist who created the Fibonacci sequence

Who created the fraction?

Fibonacci created the fraction

What is the significance of the Fibonacci spiral?

The Fibonacci spiral is an approximation of the golden spiral created by drawing circular arcs connecting the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling

Who created the Fibonacci Sequence?

Fibbonaci who else

What did Fibonacci do in his life?

Fibonacci accomplished: doing paintings and also invented Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci traveled to some Mediterranean countries, to study the most important Arab mathematicians at that time. Fibonacci ended his travels around the year 1200 and at that time he returned to Pisa. Originally in the year 1202, Fibonacci was presented with a problem of how quickly the rabbit population will grow in ideal conditions.

What year did Fibonacci create his sequence?


What inspired Fibonacci to pursue mathematics?

The Fibonacci Sequence itself was not CREATED by Leonardo of Pisa (more commonly known as Leonardo Fibonacci or simply Fibonacci). He is credited to the introduction of the sequence to the western world, (Hence the name "The Fibonacci Sequence"); however origins of the Fibonacci can be traced back to 200BC. *TJB*

What are the Fibonacci rabbits and numbers and why were they created?

Fibonacci was investigating the question of how fast rabbits could breed under ideal conditions. See the link below.

Why did Fibonacci think of the Fibonacci code?

There is the Fibonacci sequence but what is the Fibonacci code?

Who created the golden ratio?

The exact first date of use is unknown, but one of the earliest uses was by Plato in the 400s BC. The connection of phi to Pascal's triangle was made when Leonardo Fibonacci created his Fibonacci sequence.

How is Fibonacci remembered today?

A math tool he created called the Fibonnacci Sequence.