To have your 51st birthday this year, you would have been born in 1960
If you were born in March 1970, you would be 51 or 52 years old, depending on whether the current year is before or after your birthday.
A person born in 1959 would be 51 this year, 2010.
madona is 51 years old born in the year of 1961
If they've had their birthday this year (2010) they were born in 1959; if not 1958.
To have your 51st birthday this year, you would have been born in 1960
It is not true that Justin Bieber is a 51 year old. He is obviously 17 years old. He was born March 1, 1994.
You are 51 years old. On 16 October this year you are going to be 52.
51 years old
51 years old
David Mann is 51 years old. He was born on August 7, 1966. Tamela Mann is 51 years old. She was born on June 9, 1966.
If someone was born in 1959, they would be 62 years old in 2021.
Felix Ortiz aka Zion was born in the year of 1959 and is now 50 turning 51 years old
51 years old in 2011