If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
If you are 30 and its 2012 you were born in the year of 1972
As of 2017, you were either born in 1986 or 1987
Current Year minus Age equals Year Born 2010 - 30 = 1980 answer: 1980
Well, if you do the math (which apparently is a challenge for some), a 30-year-old was born 30 years ago. So, if we're currently in the year 2022, a 30-year-old was born in the year 1992. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
Debra Millison was born on March 30 in Pennsylvania, USA. The year that Debra Millison was born is not currently known.
If you are 30 and have not yet celebrated your birthday in 2010, you were born in 1979.
if you turn 30 in 2012 you would been born in 1982 if you turn 30 in 2011 you would been born in 1981 if you turn 30 in 2010 you would been born in 1980
If you were born on April 30, 1945, and it is currently 2022, you would be 77 years old.
You did not specify which year you were born I would be born in 1979, but your year of birth is unable to be determined.
If you are 30 and its 2012 you were born in the year of 1972
Subtract the current year minus the year of birth. If it isn't yet October 30 in the current year, subtract one from the result.
2012 - 30 = 1982 2013 - 30 = 1983 2014 - 30 = 1984 2015 - 30 = 1985 ...
As of 2017, you were either born in 1986 or 1987
Current Year minus Age equals Year Born 2010 - 30 = 1980 answer: 1980