If you have had your birthday this year, you would be 63. If you have not had a birthday this year, you would be 62.
You would be 63 years old. Assuming that your Birthday for this year (2008) has already passed. If it is later in the year then you would be 62. Since it is now 2009 you would be 64.
If someone was born in July 1946 and the current date is October 17, 2023, that person would be 77 years old. To calculate the age, you subtract the birth year (1946) from the current year (2023).
Depending on the month, you would be either 61 or 62.
No.If you were born on the year 2001 then you would be born on the year of the snake.
1953 = 2015 - 62
You should learn to do simple math on your own. It is subtraction. 2012 - 62 = 1950
1906.when he directed Oliver! 1968 he was 62.
You would be 62 in 2009.
that person is 62 years old
61 or 62 depending on your birthday.