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Q: What you have to use for solve social problem knowledge or intelligence?
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Is IQ 128 good in the 3rd grade?

I believe 128 is considered gifted. It is particularly rare to have it at such a young age. Studies have shown that as a gifted child ages his IQ is likely to decrease. IQ tests measure various things including fluid and crystallized intelligence. Essentially, fluid intelligence is your ability to learn and problem solve in situations you haven't encountered using the knowledge you have. Crystallized intelligence is what fluid intelligence pulls from. It's indicated by a person's depth and breadth of general knowledge, vocabulary, and the ability to reason using words and numbers. Your child more than likely has high fluid intelligence. This can't be increased. All you can do is increase crystallized intelligence to give fluid intelligence more to draw from. There is a lot more complicated theories and studies involved but this is the gist of it.

What is the difference between solving a problem and analyzing a problem?

When you analyze a problem you look it over which is what analyzing means. You look over the problem and then you solve it. When you solve a problem you solve it and you use certain steps and solve it but of course everyone has there ways to solve a problem but some people have ways to solve it by just analysing it. That is the difference.

What is meant by crystallized intelligence?

Crystallized intelligence is the capacity to think logically and solve problems in hard situations. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use skills and experience.

What does solve a simpler problem to solve mean?

Analyzing it!

Can a problem be solve with the scientific method?

yes it can be solve

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How are hardships and freedom the causes of human intelligence?

Hardships can push humans to think creatively and problem-solve, leading to the development of intelligence as a survival mechanism. Freedom allows for exploration and experimentation, fostering innovation and the expansion of knowledge, which contributes to the growth of human intelligence.

How do you describe one person's intelligence?

Intelligence can be described as the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge to solve problems effectively and adapt to new situations. It often involves critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to reason and make sound decisions. Intelligence can manifest in various forms, such as academic, emotional, social, or practical intelligence.

What is an intelligence?

An Intelligence Agent is something that can act upon a surrounding environment. They could use learning and knowledge to help achieve goals, and are often described as something somewhat similar to a computer programme.

What is the social problem that Swift is proposing to solve?

Social class inequality

Is fluid or crystallized intelligence the ability to solve new and unusual problems?

Fluid intelligence is the ability to solve new and unusual problems. It involves reasoning, recognizing patterns, and applying logic in unfamiliar situations. Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, represents knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education.

What is better common sense or intelligence?

Both common sense and intelligence are valuable qualities. Common sense refers to practical knowledge and judgment gained from experience, while intelligence is the ability to think, learn, and problem-solve. Ideally, having a balance of both can help an individual navigate various situations effectively.

What is the application of scientific knowledge to question of civil and criminal law?

we can apply the knowledge of fingerprinting to find the clue to solve the problem

What is the difference between data and information and knowledge and intelligence?

Data refers to raw facts and figures, while information is processed data that provides context and meaning. Knowledge involves understanding and insight gained from information, while intelligence encompasses the ability to apply knowledge effectively to solve problems or make decisions.

Can reading increase one's fluid intelligence?

No. Extra knowledge will accrue but ur ability to solve problems (fluid intelligence) will not change. If u want to increase ur fluid intelligence play the dual n back game.

What is practical intelligence?

Practical intelligence refers to the ability to solve real-world problems, adapt to different situations, and effectively manage tasks in everyday life. It involves skills such as critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving that are important for success in various contexts, beyond just academic or theoretical knowledge.

What are examples or different types of intelligence?

Some examples of different types of intelligence include emotional intelligence (understanding and managing emotions), social intelligence (understanding and interacting effectively with others), and creative intelligence (ability to think and problem-solve in innovative ways). These types of intelligence are in addition to the traditional concept of cognitive intelligence (IQ).

What is person who is trained to use both technology and scientific knowledge to solve practical problem?

An Engineer (: