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Q: What you see is by their prime literature and you zero is north of 60 N.?
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Where do we see the prime meridian?

Zero degrees longitude

Who is the Prime Minister of America?

The only Prime Minister in North America is the Prime Minister of Canada whom is currently Stephen Harper. There is no Prime Minister for the entirety of North America. If Central America and the Carribean is counted as part of North America, there are other Prime Ministers in those countries as well. See related questions.

Is zero suit samus in metroid prime and what is the final boss?

No. While you get to see Samus without her helmet at the end if you collect at least 75% of items, she has a somewhat different appearance from Zero Suit Samus. The final boss in the game is Metroid Prime.

Is 0 prime or composite?

zero is not prime or compositeIt is neither prime nor composite. See the link.

What is the population now in the North Pole?

Zero. The North Pole is covered by the Arctic Ocean. Please see the link. The North Pole is the point right in the centre of the circular region shown in the map at the top of the page.

Where is the Prime Meridian located geographically?

See related link for more information. _________ The Prime Meridian is based on Greenwich, England, the longitude of which is 0 degees. The other meridians are calculated from the Prime Meridian. Knowing where you are in relation to the Prime Meridian is the basis of all nautical navigation which was the reason for its establishment.

How do you use prime factorization to see if they are relatively prime?

If your numbers have no prime factors in common, they are relatively prime.

Can zero be divided by zero?

No. As a mathematical process, division by zero is not allowed. (for more on why, see the related question and link)

Who is the Prime Minister of North America?

The United States does not have a Prime Minister. Its system of government is different from that of countries that do have Prime Ministers. The US Constitution provides for a president, not a prime minister. The US president is both the head of state and the head of government. In some countries those two roles are separate.

Is 31 a prime?

Yes, 31 is a prime number. If you Google "Prime Numbers", you can see a chart of all the prime numbers.

Is 15973 prime?

Yes. It is a large prime. (see related link)

Which cities got temperature below zero degree?

Cities that commonly experience temperatures below zero degrees Celsius include Moscow, Russia; Oslo, Norway; and Chicago, USA during the winter months. These cities are located in regions with cold climates that regularly see sub-zero temperatures.