For volume of a cube, V=S3
For surface area, A=6S2
S is the length of one side.
Acube -bcube
4 units of length
If 'S' = length of the cube's side, then its volume = S3 .
The definition of a perfect cube is the cube of a number n is its third power. This is formula that is used for finding volume.
there are many shapes and each shapes had their own formula for cube: V=S x S x S /V example: cube the side of a cube ice is 3.75 cm required:V? 3.75cm x 3.75cm x3.75cm =52.75cm hope it could help you!
The cube root of 58 is: 3.87087664
Acube -bcube
There is no single formula for a cube. There are different formulae for its surface area, its volume, and so on.
This is the formula: (a3)+(b3)=(a+b)(a2-ab+b2)
Then you calculate the cube root!
4 units of length
Formula: AlO2-
3. 3^3=27
The edge length of a cube with a diagonal of 9 ft is: 5.196 feet.
(a+b)cube = a cube + b cube + 3a square b + 3ab square
Formula: (C5H8)n