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A sum of 4 is more likely. Out of the 36 possible outcomes with a pair of 6-sided dice, only one will have a sum of 2 {1-1}. Three of the possibilities sum to 4. {1-3, 2-2, 3-1}

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Q: When Rolling 2 dice which outcome is more likely a sum of 2 or a sum of 4?
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When rolling two dice which outcome is more likely a sum of 4 or a sum of 6?

The are more ways to roll a 6 (five ways) than to roll a 4 (three ways).

When rolling two dice which outcome is more likely a sum of 2 or a sum of 6?

The sum of 6 is five times more likely, because there are five ways to roll a 6 but only one way to make a 2.

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When rolling two dice which outcome is more likely a sum of 3 or sum of 5?

For 3 you need 1+2, but for 5 you can have 1+4 or 2+3 so you have twice as many chances for 5.

What is the probability of rolling a ten or more when rolling 2 dice?

The probability is 1/6.

What is the most likely outcome when tossing two dice?

Seven - there are more ways to make seven than there are to make any other number.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 11 with 2 dice?

The probability of rolling a sum of 11 with 2 dice is: P(11) = 1/18.For explanation see answer to question: "What is the probability of rolling 7 or 11 with 2 dice?".Read more: What_is_the_probability_of_rolling_7_or_11_with_2_dice

When rolling two dice what is the probability of rolling more than nine?

There are 36 different combinations when rolling two dice, of these, there is a 10/36 = 5/18 (27.78%) chance of rolling combined total of 9 or more, or a 6/36 = 1/6 (16.67%) chance of rolling a combined total of 10 or more

What is the probability of getting more than 2 when rolling a dice?

There are 36 permutations of two dice. Only one of them has a sum of two. Then probability, then, of rolling a sum of more than two is 35 in 36, or about 0.9722.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 18?

The answer depends on what you are rolling: three or more ordinary dice, or fewer dice with non-standard numbers on them, or a die with some other shape.

What is the probability of rolling an odd number less than 11?

The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled. With 12 or more dice, the answer is 0.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 1 explain?

It depends on "rolling a sum of 1" with what. One die, two dice or more?