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Those are the names given to the two faces of a coin. From early days, coins had an image of important persons - kings, queens, emperors, on one face and that face was called heads. The reason for the other side being called "tails" is uncertain.

These are the only two outcomes of a coin being tossed. Although there is a non-zero probability of the coin falling and remaining on its edge, it is small enough to be ignored in practice.

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Q: When a coin is tossed why it appears head or tail?
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How many different combinations are possible if a coin is tossed three times?

there can be only three combo's ------ head n tail,,,,,,,, tail n tail,,,,,,,,,,,,,, head n head

What is the probability of getting two head and one tail if a coin is tossed 3 times?

the probability of getting one head and one tail on three flips of a coin is 1/9

Probability of getting both head and tail simultaneously when a coin is tossed?

The probability is 50-50.

If you toss a coin three times how many possible outcomes are there?

In three tosses there can be four possible outcomes: three heads, three tails, two heads and one tail, and one head and two tails. ^^^That is wrongA coin is tossed N times. There are 2 possibilities when you toss a coin: heads and tails.So the formula is 2^N (thats to the N power)A coin tossed 3 times has 2^3=8 possible outcomes:head head headhead head tailhead tail headtail head headtail tail headhead tail tailtail head tailtail tail tailThere they are!

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The answer in the back of the book says that it is: TT, TH, H1, H2 H3, H4, H5, H6= 8 possibilities. But I don't understand what that means or how the answer was found. Help?

What has a head and tail but doesn't have a body?

A coin has a head and a tail but no body!

An event that must occur has 1 for probability?

Yes. It is a certain event. If a coin is tossed, a 'head or tail would roll' is a certain event and has probability 1.

When 2 coins are tossed what is the probability of a head and a tail?


What is the probability that the sequence will be head-head-tail when a fair coin is tossed three times?

Probability of the first head = 0.5Probability of the second head = 0.5Probability of the tail on the 3rd toss = 0.5Probability of the correct 3-toss sequence = (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 1/8 = 0.125 = 12.5%

What has nothing but head or a tail?

A coin.