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Q: When a data is not managed in proper order what is it called?
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arrang the data in proper order in the program or in the memory is called a data structure, lke arranging the names of diff students in alphabetical order.

Formula for grouped and ungrouped data?

ungruped data are those type of data which are not proper arranged or order

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Data in order from smallest to largest or vice- versa?

Arranging data from smallest to largest is called ascending order, while arranging data from largest to smallest is called descending order.

What do you understand by organizing data?

putting data in a specific place/order is called organizing data.

Data organized in ascending or descending oreder?

Data organized in ascending or descending order is called stacking data. Stacking data is usually organized by number or by alphabet.

Data in order from smallest to largest or vice-versa is called?

Data in order from smallest to largest or vice-versa is called numerical order. It is a systematic arrangement of numbers.

What do you understand by organizing?

putting data in a specific place/order is called organizing data.

What holds data?

Data is typically stored and managed in databases, which are structured collections of data that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. Databases use software to organize and store data in a way that allows for efficient retrieval and manipulation.

What is it called when you arrange a data in a specific order in Excel?


How is an organised collection of related records called?

An organized collection of related records is called a database. It is a structured set of data stored in a computer system that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated.

What called a collection of records on a particular topic is stored?

A collection of records on a particular topic that is stored is called a database. A database is an organized collection of data that can be easily accessed, managed, and updated.