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Q: When a fixed precision binary number is used to hold only positive values is said to be?
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What is the binary number for 84?

It is the binary number 1010100. A binary number represents exponential values of 2, in this case 7 digits for 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 84 = 64 + (0x32) + 16 + (0x8) +4 + (0x2) + (0x1) = 1010100

Does a positive number minus a negative number equal a positive number or a negative number?

Positive. A negative number added to a positive would reduce the original to a smaller positive, to zero, or to a negative depending on their relative values but subtracting a negative number from a positive number will always increase the value of the positive.

What is the number 48 as a binary number?

The decimal number in binary is the six-digit number 110000. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a six-digit number in binary, the digit places represent 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 110000 = 32 +16 + (0x8) + (0x4) + (0x2) + (0x1) = 48

What is the binary number 11011010?

The binary number 11011010 is the decimal number 218. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for an eight-digit number in binary, the digit places represent 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 11011010 = 128 + 64 + (0x32) +16 + 8 + (0x4) + 2 + (0x1) = 218

What is the binary number for 68?

The number 68 in binary is the seven digit number 1000100. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a seven digit number in binary, the digit places represent 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 1000100 = 64+0+0+0+4+0+0 = 68

Related questions

When a fixed precision binary number is used to hold only positive values it is said to be?

It is most commonly called an unsigned integer, but some programming languages have other terms for it.

What is the binary number of the decimal value 181?

The binary values is 10110101.

What is bc command in unix?

The 'bc' command is a simple binary calculator (hence the name bc). It can do simple math and uses arbitrary precision arithmetic. You can designate the scaling, precision, and other values to use in math calculations. Arbitrary precision arithmetic allows you to exceed the hardware precision of the system you are on, by scaling to any number of significant digits that you may require.

What is the binary values of the decimal number 15?

It is 1111.

When you add a positive number by a negative number will it be negative or positive?

That depends on the values of the given numbers but a positive number multiplied by a negative number will be negative

If a binary number needs to represent 16 different values how long must the number be in bits?

4 bits

How many different values can be represented by 4 binary digits?

24, or 16 (0 through 15) One binary digit (bit) can have 21 values (0 or 1). Two bits can have 22 values. Three bits can have 23 values. A five-bit number can have 25 values... and so on...

What is the decimal number 23 as a binary number?

The number 23 is 10111 in binary. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a five digit number in binary, the digit places represent 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 10111 = 16+0+4+2+1 = 23

What is the binary number 1111 in decimal?

The binary number 1111 is 15. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a four digit number in binary, the digit places represent 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 1111 = 8+4+2+1 = 15

Values that indicated the precision of a measurement?

Significant figures indicate the precision of a measurement.

What is the binary number for 84?

It is the binary number 1010100. A binary number represents exponential values of 2, in this case 7 digits for 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 84 = 64 + (0x32) + 16 + (0x8) +4 + (0x2) + (0x1) = 1010100

Does a positive number minus a negative number equal a positive number or a negative number?

Positive. A negative number added to a positive would reduce the original to a smaller positive, to zero, or to a negative depending on their relative values but subtracting a negative number from a positive number will always increase the value of the positive.