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Q: When a girl tells you she cant give you 100 percent in a relationship?
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What does a guy mean when he tells a girl he more than likes her?

When a guy tells a girl that, he more than likes her, he means that he loves her and is ready for a relationship with that girl.

When a girl tells a guy her relationship problems does it mean that they like them?

it definintly does

What does it mean if a boy tells the girl to meet him and spend time with him?

This is an invitation to have a relationship.

If a guy tells you he always has time for you does he like you?

If I would'nt tell a girl that unless i wanted to start a relationship with her, weather it be a friendship or romanitic relationship. Chances are he has an intrest in you.

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It means that the ex is trying to be open with his current girl friend. It also means that he is trying to improve from the last relationship.

What do you do if you cant find the right girl for you?

You will! There are loads of girls out there just waiting to flirt and start a relationship with them... just chill!

How do you tell if a girl is cheating on you in a long distance relationship?

Unless someone you consider a reliable source tells you, or she tells you herself; there is really no way of knowing for sure. Either she is worthy of your trust or she isn't, only you can answer which. If you love this girl you should trust her......

What does a girl mean when she says We have history nothing will ever change that after you ask her if she still loves you?

When a girl tells you "We have history nothing with ever change that" it means she thinks you had a good relationship and still kinda cares about you. Although she doesnt want to continue on with what you had in the relationship.

If your partner tells you he cheated on you and you guys get past it then find out that the girl is pregnant is it still possible to have a good relationship?

no not if you "dont worry about baby, its ok

What if a girl tells you who they like and you accidentally tell the guy because he is your friend?

Just tell your friend if you tell her You told him Say it will effect your relationship with her

Why cant a guy have power in a relationship without being a monster or an oppressor?

A guy can have power in a relationship, they just have to make sure they express their power in a kind way. Not a bossy, overpowering, unkind way. The girl will not like that. Believe me, I know, I'm a girl[:

World of Warcraft or the girl of your dreams?

The Girl of your Dreams Because you've only got One shot at that but WoW will be there if it goes wrong. Remember You can freeze an account but you cant freeze a relationship.