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Q: When a graph of one quantity versus another result in a straight line the quantity are?
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When a graph of one quantity versus another results in a straight line the quantities are?

the rate of change of the first quantity is same as the change of the second quantity. So the graph is a straight line . But as far as quantity is concerned it can be anything provided they both increase in the same rate...

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It would depend on the colour of the alcohol and the quantity versus the quantity of the water.

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apical dominance

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There is no different in changes in supplies and changes in quantity supplied as both are different interchangable name of same item.

What is a good sentence for quality?

The quality of your bracelet is very good. Quality versus quantity is what Mrs.Hunt always says.

How do you easily tell a vector quantity from a scalar quantity?

A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar quantity only has magnitude. To easily distinguish between them, look for indications of direction such as arrows, angles, or components in the physical quantity provided.

How does the distace versus time graphlook for an object that has zero acceleration?

In this case, you will have a straight line.

What would a distance-versus-time graph look like for the moving?

Straight line

How does the speed versus time graph look for an object with constant acceleration?

A straight line.

What does versus stand for?

''versus'' is when to opposing figures, teams, people etc. go up against one another. and example, chuck Norris versus Bruce lee, shows that chuck Norris and Bruce lee are competing against one another. versus is typically abbreviated to "vs."

If a graph of distance versus time is a straight line the graph shows what relationship?

it is a positive relationship