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They are both in the same vertical plane.

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Q: When a line has an undefined slope what will any two points on the line have in common?
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What is the slope of a line with the points 0 0 and 0 -3?

The slope is undefined.

Does a vertical line have a slope of 0?

No. A horizontal line has a slope of 0. A vertical line has an undefined slope. Let's say you have a vertical line with the points (3,-2) and (3,4). The slope is (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) = (-2-4)/(3-3) = -6/0 = undefined. Notice that x is the same for both points. A line in which all points have the same value for x is a vertical line and as such has an undefined slope.

What is the direction of the line with an undefined slope?

A vertical line has an undefined slope.

A horizontal line has an undefined slope?

No, the slope of a horizontal line is 0. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

Find the slope of the line containing the points 6 4 and 6 8?

The slope for these two points is undefined, or straight up.

Do undefined slopes have a slope?

An undefined slope is just a line straight down. The slope is undefined.

What is the slope of the line that contains the points (83)and (8-7)?

The equation of this line is x=8 and it is my understanding that the slope is infinite/undefined.

Do horizontal lines have an undefined slope?

No. The slope of a horizontal line is zero. The slope of a vertical line is undefined.

If a line has an undefined slope what can you say about the horizontal coordinates of each of the points on the line?

A vertical line has an undefined slope. If a line is vertical, the horizontal coordinate, commonly known as the x coordinates, must all be the same. If not, the line would not be vertical.

Which two points lie on a line with an undefined slope?

Any two points on a vertical line. For example, the line x=7 is a vertical line with undefined slope. Every point (7,y) where y is any real number, lies on the same line.

Is an undefined slope a vertical or horizontal line?

An undefined slope is vertical.

How can you tell if a slope is zero or undefined?

A slope is 0 if it is a straight horizontal line. A slope is undefined if it is a straight vertical line.