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Q: When a person continually responds with pessimism to attempt at solving a problem he or she is displaying?
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Unable to offer any help - you must be more specific. WHY are you being "delayed?' WHO is delaying you? WHAT is the reason they give you? etc.

Is it Sexaul Harassment if your boss continually tells you stories about past sexual experiences?

Yes, if your boss continually tells you stories about past sexual experiences that can easily be sexual harassment. But it can depend on whether you as the recipient find the stories unwelcome, feel they are an effort or belittle you, or see them as an attempt to obtain sexual favors. You need to communicate to your boss, or to someone else in authority in your company, that this activity is ongoing and unwelcome.

Do betta fish fight opposite sex?

A male Betta will attempt to kill any other Betta in its immediate vicinity. An adult female Betta would be courted and if she responds and breeds with him he will not kill her until after she has spawned. She should be removed from the breeding tank immediately after spawning has ceased.

Who can drive a vehicle with a disabled license plate alone?

ANYONE can drive a vehicle displaying handicapped plates - HOWEVER - if you are not the disabled owner do not attempt to park in a handicapped parking space. If you are challenged, the vehicle's registration card will quickly disclose that you are not the registered owner and, therefore, NOT authorized to use handicapped parking privileges.

How do you talk to a girl that likes you but looks away or runs away every time you make an attempt?

Try and tell her you would just like to talk to her and maybe go out sometime while she is near you and see how she reacts. If she responds then great take things from their but if not then you may have to focus your interest elsewhere as she may not be interested.

How a capacitor responds to step function initial and final condition?

Capacitors resist change in voltage, so initially it will want to keep it's voltage (across it) the same. Depending on the configuration, the cap could initially behave as a short to attempt maintain that condition, or as a voltage source (if voltage was already present across the cap, for instance).

What is a sentence using the word attempt?

To attempt means to try; an attempt is a try. Here are some sentences.She made an attempt at fixing the leak, then called a plumber.An attempt was made on his life.I would never even attempt to climb Mount Everest!

What is the plural for attempt?

The plural for attempt is attempts.

What is Fishing attempt?

A Fishing attempt as opposed to a Phishing attempt is when someone tries to catch a fish.

What is the Present tense of attempt?

I am attempting or Every time I attempt --------------------------- Past = I attempted Future = I will attempt. I will have attempted

What is the plural of attempt?

The plural form of attempt is attempts.

What is a suynonym for the word attempt?

attempt IS a noun