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normal interval, MARCH

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Q: When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?
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When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain double interval from normal interval?

Double Interval, MARCH

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

At close interval, MARCH!

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain normal intervals from close?

sierra my delta

What are the three intervals?

Normal interval, close interval, and double interval

What are the three squad intervals?

Normal interval, close interval, and double interval

When you form the squad you must ensure that the squad is at the correct interval what is one of the intervals?

Normal Interval

What are the three army squad intervals?

Normal interval, close interval, and double interval

What command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?

rear march

What command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

"Close interval, dress right (or left), dress!"

When you form the squad you must ensure that the squad is formed at the correct distance. what is one of your intervals?

Normal Interval

When the squad leader deems it necessary he must command the squad to the appropriate interval before giving the command for the desired alignment what are the commands to align the squad at normal?

When aligning the squad, the squad commander must use a sequence of commands to convey the desired alignment to the soldiers. To align the squad at the normal interval, the commander uses the terms Dress right, Dress, and Ready front.

What are 3 interval choices in army formations?

normal interval, close interval, and double interval