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Q: When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain normal intervals from close?
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When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?

normal interval, MARCH

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain double interval from normal interval?

Double Interval, MARCH

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

At close interval, MARCH!

What command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?

rear march

What command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

"Close interval, dress right (or left), dress!"

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Use the Describe Command

Which command illustrates how to obtain helpful documentation for the ls command?

Use either the 'man' command or the 'info' command with ls to get more information on options and output.

What is the enhanced sCreen tip?

An on-screen note that provides the name of the command, available keyboard shortcut(s), a descripton of the command, and sometimes instructions for how to obtain help about the command.

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Open a command prompt (Click Start > Run) then type ipconfig /all.

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You can obtain root permissions in Linux by using the "sudo" command before executing a command that requires elevated privileges. This allows you to temporarily act as the root user to perform administrative tasks. Alternatively, you can switch to the root user using the "su" command by entering the root user's password.

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