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Q: When are interval schedules used?
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How are ratio reinforcement schedules different from interval reinforcement schedules?

Ratio reinforcement schedules deliver reinforcement based on the number of responses emitted by the individual, while interval reinforcement schedules deliver reinforcement based on the passage of time and the first response after a specified time interval. Ratio schedules tend to generate higher response rates compared to interval schedules.

What are four types of intermittent schedules of reinforcement?

Four types of intermittent schedules of reinforcement are fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. Fixed ratio schedules provide reinforcement after a set number of responses, while variable ratio schedules provide reinforcement after a varying number of responses. Fixed interval schedules provide reinforcement after a set time interval, while variable interval schedules provide reinforcement after a varying time interval.

What are some schedules of reinforcement?

There are two kinds of reinforcement schedules. The first is continuous reinforcement where desired behavior is reinforced every time. The second schedule is partial reinforcement where a response is reinforced part of the time. Within partial reinforcement, there are four schedules which include fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval and variable- interval.

What is repeated observation?

A repeated observation is when you repeat an observation that was already used

How can interval be used in a sentence?

I went out for interval for 10 minutes.

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain double interval from normal interval?

Double Interval, MARCH

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

At close interval, MARCH!

What command is used to obtain close interval from normal interval?

"Close interval, dress right (or left), dress!"

When a squad is changing intervals what command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?

normal interval, MARCH

How do you use class interval in a sentence?

The term class interval is used in statistics.

What command is used to obtain normal interval from close interval?

rear march

What is a example of post reinforcement pause?

Post-reinforcement pause is a pause in responding that typically occurs after the delivery of the reinforcer on fixed-ratio and fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement.