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Q: When are is close to -1 does it indicate a strong negative correlation?
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When are is close to -1 does it indicate a weak negative correlation?

No, it indicates an extremely strong positive correlation.

Does a good correlation have to be positive?

No. If the correlation coefficient is close to 1 or -1, then the two variables have a high degree of statistical linear correlation. See the related link, particularly the graphs which illustrate correlation.

What is the relationship between correlation coefficient and linear regreassion?

A correlation coefficient is a value between -1 and 1 that shows how close of a good fit the regression line is. For example a regular line has a correlation coefficient of 1. A regression is a best fit and therefore has a correlation coefficient close to one. the closer to one the more accurate the line is to a non regression line.

How do you know when there is positive correlation on a graph?

when the points on the graph are close to each other;)

Why is it when you add negative and negative it equals a positive and negative and positive equals a negative?

Use a number line to image this. Subtraction means "switch directions". ..._-2_-1_0_+1_+2_... Adding a negative is the same as subtracting. You switch directions on the number line. -1 + -1 = -2 is the same as -1 - 1 = -2. Adding negative numbers only makes the answer more negative. If you add a positive close to zero and a negative far from zero you get a negative. If you add a positive far from zero to a negative close to zero you get a positive. Your question seems to indicate confusion with multiplication rather than addition. When you multiply 2 negatives, you switch directions twice and end up going to the right (Positive) on the number line. remember keep change change.

Related questions

When are is close to -1 does it indicate a weak negative correlation?

No, it indicates an extremely strong positive correlation.

Measure of how closely one thing is related to another?

This is referred to as correlation, which quantifies the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient can range from -1 to 1, where values closer to 1 indicate a strong positive relationship, values close to -1 indicate a strong negative relationship, and a value of 0 indicates no relationship.

How do you find out what correlation a scatter plot has?

It is easy to find the correlation. First you see how far apart the dots are. if they are going UP like this / <---- it means its a positive correlation. if its like this \ <---- its a negative correlation. if its everywhere its a neutral (although they almost never do them in tests). To find out the strength is your opinion. If alot are grouped together almost making a line its a Strong correlation. Then you decide if its a Strong or Weak correlation depending on how close together the dots are. So put them together in a 1 mark question like::::it is a Strong Positive Correlation

Which correlation coefficient indicates the weakest relationship between variables?

Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient indicates how strong the relationship between variables is. A PMCC of zero or very close would mean a very weak correlation. A PMCC of around 1 means a strong correlation.

What is a strong correlation in psychology?

A strong correlation in psychology refers to a relationship between two variables where they tend to change together in a consistent and predictable manner. This means that as one variable increases or decreases, the other variable also increases or decreases. Strong correlations are typically indicated by a correlation coefficient close to +1 or -1.

What is the correlation between two quantities?

It is a measure of the extent to which a linear change in one quantity is accompanied by a linear change in the other quantity. Note that only linear changes are measured and that there is no causality.

Can you provide an example of a weak positive correlation?

You can find examples by typing it in to Google. Weak positive correlation is a set of points on a graph that are loosely set around the line of best fit. The line will be positive rising up from left to right. A weak correlation can vary a lot as long as you can decipher which direction the data tends towards you have a correlation. If the points are close to the line of best fit you have a strong correlation and with a set of points perfectly lined up is perfect correlation. All three types can positive negative or perfect.

What are Isobars and what does it mean when they are close together?

Isobars are lines on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure. When isobars are close together, it indicates a large pressure gradient, leading to strong winds and unsettled weather conditions, such as storms or high winds.

What kind of relationship exists between the variables if your r value is close to plus 1?

When r is close to +1 the variables have a positive correlation between them; as the x-values increase, the corresponding y-values increase. There is also a strong linear correlation or relationship between the variables, when the value of r is close to +1.

What correlation indicates a strong positive straight line relationship?

If by positive you mean that an increase in the independent variable is accompanied by an increase in the dependent variable then this will be indicated by a correlation close to one. What is considered 'close to one' depends on the field of study. In some fields where it can be quite difficult to establish relationships between variables a correlation of, say, 0.35 might be considered important, provided of course that it has been shown to be statistically significant.

Does a good correlation have to be positive?

No. If the correlation coefficient is close to 1 or -1, then the two variables have a high degree of statistical linear correlation. See the related link, particularly the graphs which illustrate correlation.

What is the relationship between correlation coefficient and linear regreassion?

A correlation coefficient is a value between -1 and 1 that shows how close of a good fit the regression line is. For example a regular line has a correlation coefficient of 1. A regression is a best fit and therefore has a correlation coefficient close to one. the closer to one the more accurate the line is to a non regression line.