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Q: What does correlation test tell you?
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What does the sign of the correlation coefficient tell you about the association?

Positive correlation = positive association Negative correlation = negative association

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How can you tell from a scatter plot wheather two variables have a positive correlation a negative correlation or no correlation?

Positive correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will rise from left to right (positive slope) Negative correlation = the slope of the scattered dots will fall from left to right (negative slope) No correlation = no real visible slope, the dots are too scattered to tell.

If the decision in the hypothesis test of the population correlation coefficient is to reject the null hypothesis. What can you conclude about the correlation in the population?

is notzero

An observation that the higher the air temperature the lower the activity of test animals would be an example of what kind of correlation?

This would be an example of a negative correlation, where as one variable (air temperature) increases, the other variable (activity of test animals) decreases.

What is a weak negative correlation?

A negative correlation is when you compare 2 sets of data on a line graph (e.g. scores in a French test and scores in an English test), the higher one thing is, the lower the other is (e.g. someone might score 98% on the French test but only 12% on the English test (or visa versa)). A positive correlation is the other way around. A weak correlation is when there is a lot of deviation from the line of best fit (there will always be one with correlations as a line of best fit shows correlations after all) whereas with a strong correlation, there is little deviation.

What is the geometric basis for the math behind correlation and regression?

Z Test

What does Clinicopathological correlation mean?

Clinicopathological correlation means considering the history, physical, and test results together. It is often to attached to a test or imaging result that may represent an abnormality or may be an insignificant finding.

Is it possible to obtain a correlation coefficient of 1.5 for two sets of test scores?

No. Correlation coefficient is measured from +1 to -1. In addition, if the two sets of exam are exactly same, their correlation coefficient is +1.

What does correlation tell us?

Correlation is a statistical technique that is used to measure and describe the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

What is the correlation between scoring 85 on the ASVAB test and one's IQ level?

There is a positive correlation between scoring 85 on the ASVAB test and one's IQ level, indicating that individuals who score higher on the ASVAB test tend to have higher IQ levels.

What is the range of correlation coefficient and what does its value tell?

The product-moment correlation coefficient or PMCC should have a value between -1 and 1. A positive value shows a positive linear correlation, and a negative value shows a negative linear correlation. At zero, there is no linear correlation, and the correlation becomes stronger as the value moves further from 0.