It does not change.
The graph will be a line.
Linear = Straight line! So, a graph of a linear relationship is a straight line.
the graph is called a line
A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.
It does not change.
You can say that the variables are inversely proportional.
You can decide from a graph wheter a ralationship is linear or non linear if the line is staight is linear but if the line is not straight is not linear.
a linear graph is a graph where the line is ongoing and doesn't change directions
identity linear and nonlinear functions from graph
The graph will be a line.
Linear growth means that the graph is a straight line.
Linear = Straight line! So, a graph of a linear relationship is a straight line.
the graph is called a line
A linear graph shows a linear equation in which the value of one variable depends on the value of the other variable.
A linear function is a function whose graph is a straight line.
A linear relationship will show up on a graph as a straight line.