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Q: When conducting scientific research the of a measure refers to whether it really measures that researchers think it measures?
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What continent do only scientist and visitors live on?

Antarctica is the continent where only scientists and visitors live. It is primarily inhabited by researchers and support staff conducting scientific research.

Why is scientific research necessary?

Scientific research helps researchers identify a problem and apply tactics to resolve it. Afterwards, researchers can recommend and share their response to the problem in case further research is necessary.

What are the stages of a scientific investigation?

The stages of a scientific investigation typically include formulating a research question, conducting background research, forming a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating results. Each stage is important for ensuring a systematic and rigorous approach to scientific inquiry.

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Do researchers have strong opinions about the subject of a study are likely to do better job conducting the research?


How can a researcher be a scientist?

They can be, if their research is into a scientific subject and follows the scientific method. Note, not all researchers are scientists.

Do people live there in Antarctica?

Yes, but only temporarily while conducting scientific research.

What are scientific methods?

The scientific method involves coming up with a hypothesis. It also involves conducting research and deducing inferences from the findings.

Who are foreign scientists?

Foreign scientists are researchers and academics in the scientific field who are from a different country than the one where they are conducting their research. They often collaborate with local scientists to bring fresh perspectives and expertise to various scientific projects.

Why is getting Researchers from different scientific disciplines difficult to work together?

They approach the research process differently

What is the first step to take when conducting a scientific investigation?

The first step in conducting a scientific investigation is to define the problem or research question that you want to address. This involves clearly stating the objective of the study and identifying what you want to learn or discover through your research.

Which action would be most likely to limit scientific research in genetic modification of food?

Imposing strict regulations on research funding and conducting field trials could limit scientific research in genetic modification of food.