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Q: When couples choose to have no more than two children this will result in?
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What is the perfect age difference between your children?

Generally, couples choose to have children about 2 years apart. This was more common when women breastfed.

Are children of same sex couples more likely to be gay?

No. The children of same sex couples are not more likely to be gay.

Why do couples choose to have more children?

Although large families are rare these days some people simply love children and will have as many children as they feel they can afford and some parents may even adopt or take in foster children. Then a few parents may keep having children because their religious beliefs may not allow them to use birth control.

What percent of same-sex married couples do not get to keep their child?

There is not reported a great number of same sex married couples who do not get to keep their child, nor are there reports of their children being taken away from such couples. Perhaps you could be more specific about the nature of your question. You could add details on the discussion page.There is not reported a great number of same sex married couples who do not get to keep their child, nor are there reports of their children being taken away from such couples. Perhaps you could be more specific about the nature of your question. You could add details on the discussion page.There is not reported a great number of same sex married couples who do not get to keep their child, nor are there reports of their children being taken away from such couples. Perhaps you could be more specific about the nature of your question. You could add details on the discussion page.There is not reported a great number of same sex married couples who do not get to keep their child, nor are there reports of their children being taken away from such couples. Perhaps you could be more specific about the nature of your question. You could add details on the discussion page.

What is life like before you have children?

Less responsibility, more rock. What I have heard so many couples say is: "What did we do with ourselves...?" They feel they wasted so many years being selfish, when raising children (good children) is so rewarding. I know personally some couples who are currently seeing the last of their children leave home for college, and they all say, "Why didn't we have more kids...?" Before you have children, you live only for yourselves, after you have children, you have to be the grownup and let the child have center stage. Some couples do not like doing that. Most mature people love it.

What percentage of gay couples have children?

Roughly 20% of same-sex couples in the United States are raising children, according to the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. This percentage has been increasing in recent years as more LGBTQ+ individuals choose to become parents through various means such as adoption, foster care, or assisted reproductive technologies.

Why did they choose certain sports for the commenwealth games for children?

Children are more able to do stuff then the elderly.

Is the Couples Negril resort a good destination for couples on their honeymoon?

Yes the Couples Negril resort is an excellent destination for couples on their honeymoon. Located in the beautiful island of Jamaica, it is a "couples only" resort, so their are no children allowed. There are special honeymoon packages available to. In addition it is also an all inclusive resort, so you have a good idea of costs before you go. See the Couples website for more details.

What are some statistics on gay parents in Tennessee?

IN TENNESSEE•In 2000, there were 10,189 same-sex couples living in Tennessee.•By 2005, the number of same-sex couples increased to 13,570.3 This increase likely reflects same-sex couples' growing willingness to disclose their partnerships on government surveys.SAME-SEX COUPLES ARE RAISING CHILDREN IN TENNESSEE, YET WITH FEWER ECONOMIC RESOURCES THAN MARRIED PARENTS• 16% of same-sex couples in Tennessee are raising children under the age of 18.• As of 2005, an estimated 4,233 of Tennessee's children are living in households headed by same-sex couples.• In Tennessee, married and same-sex couples with children under 18 in the home have, on average, 2 children.• More than 1% of Tennessee's adopted children (or 384 children) live with a lesbian or gay parent.•39% of same-sex couples with children have only one wage earner, compared to 36% of married parents.For more information, contact:The Williams InstituteUCLA School of LawBox 951476Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476T (310)267-4382F (310)

How to solve the population problem in Egypt?

i think the government should increase tax for couples having more than one child . This will help reduce population in Egypt because it will discourage couples to have more children because it will cost more to raise children and will lead to a decrease in population because people will be discouraged to have more children and the population its self will decrease because less children will be born and with the current life expectancy rate the population will decrease which will help solve many problems like high food prices and high housing prices and will lead to an increase in income . as for increasing tax rate i suggest that if more than one child is born the government should increase tax on both couples by 10% for example the current tax rate in Egypt is 20% if two children are born the tax will be 30% and if four children are born it will be 40%

Do gay couples provide adequate child care?

Gay couples typically provide more than adequate child care: in fact, gay parents are usually exemplary parents. All recent studies have shown that the children of gay couples grow up happy and well-adjusted.

What was a result of laws that restricted child labor?

More children went to school.